Would you like to visit some of our local farms and homes with gardens in Danbury? The Historical Society invites you to participate in this special event. If you have a farm, vegetable garden, or flower garden in Danbury and would like to be included in the tour, let us know.
Saturday, June 27
Time: 10 to 4 PM
~ The Plan ~
Be at the Danbury North Road Schoolhouse Museum, 440 North Road, Danbury before 10 AM.
Pick up the map to find the places we will visit.
Car pool with us to view special gardens and farms.
(You can visit all of them or just some of them.)
Visit our local farms, learn what vegetables are native to our area, get helpful tips on growing certain vegetables, interesting historical facts about Danbury and New Hampshire agriculture, learn how to preserve and can vegetables, and visit a wonderful variety of flower gardens.
This will be a fun and educational experience for all.
We hope you join in on the activities to tour some of Danbury’s local farms and gardens.