Members present: Chair: Paul Currier, Vice Chair: Jon Warzocha, Nancy Teach, Art Urie, Doug Phelps, ex-officio: Duncan Coolidge, and Lenny Caron, alternate appointed to Pat Moyer’s position.
Also present for duration of appropriate items: Dave Powers, Zoning Administrator, Bill Stack, John Ferris, Will Ames, and Allan Royal
Zoning Administrator
Coolidge updated the Board, advising that Mr. Guiheen will be completing the forms to get appropriate approvals. A Letter of Deficiency will go out to him from the Board of Selectmen.
Public Hearing – Proctor Academy completeness determination Site Plan Review for a new dining facility.
Currier opened the public hearing at 7:30 PM, and Mr. Stack presented the proposed plan to the Board and the public present. Warzocha asked if the Town has the Alteration of Terrain Permit, and the response was yes and the permit numbers will be included on the final plan. Wetlands permits have been received. A driveway permit has not been received.
There being no further discussion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Site Plan Application contingent upon receipt of New Hampshire DOT Driveway Permit, New Hampshire AOT Permit, following the conditions of the wetlands permit, and obtaining a building permit.
Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments
The Board reviewed “Home Occupation” description. The hearing notice, warrant articles, and draft of the Zoning Ordinance are needed for the May 26 meeting. The Board reviewed the Use Table and added a zone/column for Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club.