Fifty Years Ago in Andover: July 1965

Andover firemen win donkeyball 10-0

This photo is from about 50 years ago and shows part of the line-up for Andover's Fourth of July parade. The Tucker Mountain School House float was created by Madelyn and Frank Baker. Portraying students and preparing to walk alongside the float are Colleen Currier Simpson, Donna Baker-Hartwell, Tina Currier Parris, Sue Baker, Gary Currier, Frank Baker III, and Daryl Baker.
This photo is from about 50 years ago and shows part of the line-up for Andover’s Fourth of July parade. The Tucker Mountain School House float was created by Madelyn and Frank Baker. Portraying students and preparing to walk alongside the float are Colleen Currier Simpson, Donna Baker-Hartwell, Tina Currier Parris, Sue Baker, Gary Currier, Frank Baker III, and Daryl Baker.

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.

July 1, 1965

Miss Julia Marie Rising, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Rising of East Andover, and Robert Murray Simms, son of Mr and Mrs W Russell Simms of Penacook, were married Tuesday evening, June 22. Matron of Honor was Mrs Barbara Hayes, sister of the bride.

The bridesmaids were Miss Judith Rehm, a college roommate of the bride, and Miss Jane Simms, a sister of the groom. The best man was Haven H Hayes, brother-in-law of the bride.

The new Mrs Simms graduated with honors from Forsyth School for Dental Hygienists on Saturday, and from Northeastern University with an Associate Degree in Science on Sunday. (She was also elected to active membership in Sigma Phi Alpha, the national honor society for dental hygienists.)

Mr Simms graduated from Concord High School, attended Lowell Tech, and is now in the Naval Nuclear Power Training Program.

Wanted: Girl or woman to work as candy girl. Must be over 16. Must be able to make change correctly and be fast. For further details, contact Regal Theatre, Franklin. See F. Abbott, Manager, after 5 PM. No phone calls.

James Bond is back in action! See 007 at the Regal Theatre now through Saturday in Albert Broccoli and Harry Saltzman’s new thriller Goldfinger, based on the novel by Ian Fleming. (In Technicolor.)

July 8, 1965

Congratulations go to Mr and Mrs William Robie on the birth of a son, William Junior, on July 4. The baby weighed in at 5 lbs. 8 oz.

On June 12, Miss Wanda Louise Prescott, daughter of Burton Prescott of Andover and Mr. Lyons Leona Prescott of Concord, and Gerald Smith, son of Mr and Mrs Rodney Smith of South Danbury, were married. The bride was given in marriage by her father.

Mrs Eleanor George of Andover, sister of the groom, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were sisters of the bride, Donna Fortune of Andover and Dawn Prescott of Concord. Penny Rhodes, cousin of the bride, was flower girl and Gary George, nephew of the groom, ring bearer.

Howard George, Andover, was best man for his brother-in-law. Ushers were Larry French of East Andover and Bobby Currier of Andover.

Mrs Smith was a graduate of Andover High School in the class of 1964 and is employed as a bookkeeper at Franklin Hospital. Mr. Smith graduated from New London High School in 1964 and is employed at Benson Auto Company in Franklin.

Staff Sergeant Charles A Wells, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Parks of Andover, has retired from the US Air Force at Hancock Field, New York after more than 20 years of military duty. Sergeant Wells was a data processing machine operations supervisor with an Air Defense command unit. Sergeant Wells attended Andover High School. He is a veteran of World War II and the Korean conflict.

July 29, 1965

Mrs Georgia A Belisle of East Andover, 76, died early this morning at Franklin Hospital. Mrs Belisle’s survivors include two daughters, Mrs Max A Andrus and Mrs Joseph Keyser of Andover.

Congratulations go to Mr and Mrs Connie Barton on the birth of a son at the Franklin Hospital on July 17. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Eugene French Sr and Mr and Mrs Edwards Barton, all of town.

The donkey-ball game played by fireman on Sunday evening, July 25, was won by Andover 10–0 in a very exciting and fun game which was enjoyed by a large crowd.

Scenic Trail Rides, Riding Instructions, Pony Rides offered by Leo and Juanita Carpenter, owners of Dun-Roamin Riding Academy, Inc. in Andover. Call for appointments.