Now that fiscal year 2014-15 has come to a close, the Andover Service Club (ASC) is looking forward to a year of new and better times.
On June 10, ASC held its annual spring luncheon at 74 Main in New London. Following a very delicious lunch, the slate of officers for fiscal year 2015-16 was unanimously approved and elected. They are: President Sandra Graves, 1st Vice President Diane Rice, 2nd Vice President Evelyn Davis, Secretary Judy Evans, Treasurer Robin Boynton, Assistant Treasurer Sandy Miller, and Past President Mary Ofenloch.
Honorary membership awards were presented to Pat Baker and Edna Peters in recognition of their many years of dedicated service to ASC and the community.
The 2015-16 budget was also unanimously approved. Unfortunately, due to the longevity of this terrible economy, budget cuts had to be made.
For example, funding for scholarships has decreased each year. For that reason, new and exciting fundraising ideas will be coming to fruition shortly. Look for future announcements in The Andover Beacon and in places around Andover and neighboring towns.
Diane Rice, Scholarship Chairlady, announced that $1,000 merit scholarships were awarded to four very outstanding students. Last year, five scholarships were awarded, but in years past, 10 to 12 scholarships were awarded. ASC is optimistically hoping to increase the number of awards in the years to come.
Judy Evans, Fundraising Chairlady, reminded members of the “Slices for Scholarships” fundraiser on the Fourth of July. ASC ladies will again be baking homemade pies to be sold by the slice at the Andover Village Green. Proceeds from this sale benefit the ASC Merit Scholarship Program. This is the last fundraising event before summer vacation begins for ASC.
Meetings will resume on September 9 at 10 AM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. Ladies of all ages are encouraged, and welcome, to join us. Come and see who we are, and what we do to support our community, while we socialize and make new friends.
ASC members now reside in Andover, East Andover, Wilmot, Danbury, Franklin, Springfield, New London, Tilton, and Hill. If you have friends or neighbors who may be interested in becoming a member, you may e-mail MaryO.ASClub@nulllive.com for more information. ASC needs you!