Board of Selectmen Minutes, May 4, 2015

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Chairman Coolidge, Selectwoman Mischon, and Selectman Delaney; John Thompson, Jim Reed, Keith Blinn, Dave Powers, John Kinney, and Town Administrator (TA) Marj Roy.

Road Agent

Road Agent John Thompson introduced Jim Reed and Keith Blinn to the Board of Selectmen as the new highway employees.

The Highway Department began screening, making 3/4” gravel.

John has a sand removal plan in place and will be sweeping the Town Square, intersections, and hills, where needed. John mentioned that when using chemicals on the roads during the winter months, we use 1/3 less sand. Last winter, the Town used 100 tons of salt, and one ton was used on Plains Rd.


John Kinney asked to have $500 come out of the EMS Revolving Account to go towards a regional EMS memorial. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Transfer Station

We have a rat infestation, and employees are having health issues as a result. The Town brought in a temporarily building.

Selectwoman Mischon suggested we should have an action plan in place for removal of the old building, how to get rid of the rats, and find out what is attracting them.

Selectwoman Mischon suggested contacting another company to get rid of the rats. Dave Powers said he will get us the name of a company out of Massachusetts that he used, and they guarantee two years.

Chairman Coolidge wants everyone to know that he is hearing a lot of chatter about wanting recycling back in town for cans, glass, copper, aluminum. NRRA previously told us we should stick with single stream until we figure out what the plan will be. The Town isn’t allowed to make a profit.

Halcyon Island

It was discussed that a sign should be made up to list how the island in Highland Lake can be used. There will be a public hearing about use of the island to be scheduled at the end of June and will include non-resident taxpayers.

Town Administrator

Marj Roy will be looking into pricing for employee ID cards.

Primex has given us a price guarantee of no more than a 10% price increase.