The Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse will be open on Sunday, July 12, from 1 to 3 PM. Come squeeze your own lemons and make real lemonade!
If you would like to tour the William Tucker cellar hole, Donna Baker-Hartwell would be happy to show you. William Tucker donated the land for the building of the school in 1836. His large farm burned in 1903. It was located just across the road from the school.
Also, the 2016 Andover Historical Society calendar will be available for purchase at $10 each. It’s called “Andover Center Old and New,” and each month has an archival photo of some place in the center and a second photo of what it looks like now. They make wonderful gifts!
For more information, call Donna Baker-Hartwell at 735-5586 or Pat Cutter, president of the Andover Historical Society, at 735-5628.