American Legion Post 101 Elect Officers for the Year

Veterans urged to march in Fourth of July parade

By Lloyd Perreault, Post 101

On Tuesday, June 9, the following members of Andover’s American Legion Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 were elected and installed as officers for the ensuing year.

  • Henry (Skip) Powers, Commander
  • Bill Leber, Vice Commander and Sergeant at Arms
  • Richard Powers, Adjutant
  • Lloyd M. Perreault, Finance Officer
  • Don Clendenen, Chaplin
  • James Reed, Service Officer

The installing officer was Commander Samuel Zannini, American Legion Post 29, Claremont.

The Post 101 meeting place, commencing with July 21, will be at the Andover Fire Station on Main Street in Andover. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.

Plans are being made to have post members and any other veterans march in the Fourth of July parade. Members and veterans will gather at the ProClaim building (the old Town Hall) at noon and will join the parade as it passes. Members and veterans: Please join the parade!

The post has been actively pursuing new members to participate in patriotic events, holidays, and other Andover functions. This post has been reactivated with a minimum number of members and needs new members to participate and carry on the traditions of the American Legion.

Veterans, please join and support American Legion Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 in Andover. For further information, call Henry (Skip) Powers at 735-6563 or Bill Leber at 735-5144.