Andover Congregational Church, July 2015

Cotton candy on the Village Green for the Fourth

By Sandy Miller, Andover Congregational Church

Happy Fourth of July to all! The Andover Congregational Church will be selling cotton candy on the Village Green that day. All proceeds will go to a mission project – either the Deacon’s Fund, which helps needy families in the area, or perhaps the local food pantry. Joyce Bourdon has volunteered to take charge of this event. Come and enjoy this special treat knowing that you will be helping someone in need in the area.

Teen Challenge will be at our Church on Sunday, July 26, at 9:30 AM (originally scheduled for June 28). Teen Challenge consists of a group of approximately eight men from Brockton, Massachusetts, ranging in age from late teens to 40s or 50s who, through testimony and song, tell how accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior has helped them turn their lives around. We welcome you to this service, which will be followed by refreshments in the Highland Lake Grange Hall.

While Pastor John Wagner is on sabbatical for the summer, deacons Johneric and Linda Wickstrom (286-8695) will be the point persons to call. Emergency phone calls can be made by first calling Amy Wagner at home (735-5928). Guest ministers and members of the congregation will help out in conducting the Sunday service in Pastor John’s absence.

The Church’s Mission Committee voted to help support Serene Chua, a recent graduate of Colby-Sawyer College who is moving to Boston and “going on staff” with Navigators, a Christian fellowship ministry on college campuses.

A huge “Thank you!” to John and Joyce Bourdon, who replaced our church’s wheelchair ramp. We are so blessed to be the recipient of their talents.

Our outdoor service and church picnic will be held on Sunday, August 9. All are invited – just bring yourselves and perhaps a folding chair.

The dates for Vacation Bible School have been set. It will be held from Tuesday, August 18, to Friday, August 21, from 9 AM to noon. Sunday School superintendent Bonnie Wesley will be in charge.

We welcome your attendance at our Church services or Sunday School program on Sundays at 9:30 AM. Call the Church office if you have any questions at 735-5160.