The Andover Lions Club recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of its chartering. The Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club provided the venue for the event, which was attended by Lions representing clubs in New London, Sunapee, Franklin, and Concord as well as Andover Lions and guests. A delicious meal was prepared and served thanks to Lions Jim and Laura Danforth. Music was provided by Alex Barton, guitarist and vocalist.
Officers for the coming year were installed by Past Council Chairman Tom Geno of Concord. They are: President, Howard George; 1st Vice President, Dick O’Connell; 2nd Vice President, Jim Danforth; 3rd Vice President, Bill Kennedy; Secretary, Virginia Edwards; Treasurer, Dan Coolidge; Tail Twister and Lion Tamer, Ron Evans; Director 1 year, Bill Leber; Director 2 years, Ellie George; Director 3 years, Linda Kennedy; Membership, Jim Goody; and Immediate Past President, Bill Kennedy.
Granite State Fellows
The highlight of the event was the presentation of two Granite State Fellow awards, the highest Lions awards in the state of New Hampshire.
The first award was to Richard O’Connell for his many Lionistic achievements and especially for his work providing the Christmas Middle School Basketball Tournament, held each year at Proctor Academy.
Also receiving a Granite State Fellow award was Pat Cutter for her many years of dedicated community service as an Andover Cemetery Trustee and with the Andover Historical Society.