Fireworks Leave Sharp Debris Behind

Washes ashore at Highland Lake

Donna Baker-Hartwell was surprised to learn that fireworks leave behind non-biodegradable plastic shards. She sent this photo of a small sampling of what came ashore on Highland Lake after the Fourth of July. "The pieces are very sharp and could easily puncture a foot," she said. "Cleaning up after the Fourth would be good not only for our safety but for the health of the lake." Photo: Donna Baker-Hartwell
Donna Baker-Hartwell was surprised to learn that fireworks leave behind non-biodegradable plastic shards. She sent this photo of a small sampling of what came ashore on Highland Lake after the Fourth of July. “The pieces are very sharp and could easily puncture a foot,” she said. “Cleaning up after the Fourth would be good not only for our safety but for the health of the lake.” Photo: Donna Baker-Hartwell