On Saturday morning, February 2, Cheryl Sisson and her daughter Maria will be at the Danbury Grange Winter Market with their new baby lamb, born in early January. Cheryl will also have her spinning wheel and some wool fleece, so children and adults alike will be able to get a feeling for wool production from start to finish.
Newfound Farm Wool Works, a regular vendor at the market, processes raw wool, so if you have lambs of your own and want to connect with a wool processor, be sure to consult own Phyllis Rockwell.
Open from 9 AM until 1 PM on the first Saturday of each month through April, the market is always a busy place, as people from surrounding areas take advantage of the many vendors to stock up with locally produced items for the cold weeks ahead.
For those who arrive early, a welcoming hot breakfast sandwich of sausage, cheese, and egg with a delicious cup of coffee or juice is available, while later shoppers will be treated to a hot lunch.
Building on last year’s success, the market is continuing to fill two floors of the historic Danbury Grange Hall with an appealing assortment of local produce, handcrafted items, and locally raised meats. “There’s something here for everyone,” according to Donna Sprague, coordinator of the market. A list of regular vendors may be found at DanburyGrange.org.
Celebrating its sixth season, the indoor market is a winter alternative to summer markets at a time when gardens are bare and local products might be difficult to find. Several vendors are also members of the Wilmot Farmers Market and have attracted many Wilmot, New London, Sutton, and Andover patrons to Danbury to continue their commitment of buying locally.
Returning to the market this month is Jessica Fligg with her homemade chocolates, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Another favorite, Rob Hunt, will have plenty of smoked cheese and pepperoni.
Regular vendors at the market each month are: Autumn Harvest Farm; Buds N Suds; Cutting Farm (except February); Hand Dipped Chocolates; Haunting Whisper Vineyard; Hazzard Acres Farm; Huckins Farm; Hummingbird Creations; Huntoon Farm; Montminy’s Farm; Nannie’s Canning Pantry; Newfound Farm Wool Works; P and S Country Crafts; The Purple Ant; Sally’s Choice; and WJT Jewelry.
If you have questions, would like to help out at the market, or inquire about being a vendor, please contact Donna Sprague at 768-5579. More information may be found at DanburyGrange.org.