Fifty Years Ago in Andover: September 1965

Big water ski show held in tough conditions at Highland Lake

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.

Andover Fire Chief Honored by Fireman – A testimonial dinner was given by the Andover Citizen Fire Company and Auxiliary for Victor E Phelps of Andover, Wednesday, August 25, at Riverside Banquet Room in Lebanon, to honor him on his 35th anniversary as Fire Chief. He has been with the fire company since 1913. He became a deputy fire warden in 1937, and was made Warden in 1944.

Andover Elementary School teaching staff for the coming year consists of Mrs Marie Rising, first grade; Mrs Beverly McIntire, second grade; Mrs Florence Blake, third grade; Mrs Adele Glaubitt, fourth grade. Sixth, seventh, and eighth grades will be departmentalized with the Principal, Raymond Burton, teaching Science; Richard A Day, History; Martin Feuerstein, Mathematics; and Mrs Phyllis Taylor, Science. In addition there will be four part-time teachers as follows; Daniel Flint, seventh and eighth grade Shop; Mrs Mary G Sawyer, seventh and eighth grade Home Economics; Mrs Doris Pierce, Music; and Mrs Annalida Vant Hoff, Art. School Nurse is Mrs Evelyn Haight; School Librarian is Mrs Grace George; Doctor is Dr Emile Baselli; Custodians are Herman Seavey and Mrs William George; Transporters are Fred Miller and John Jurta; Hot Lunch Supervisor is Mrs Lana Nelson, with her workers Mrs Rita Powers and Mrs Charlotte Clark; Parent Teacher President is Mrs Shirley Currier.

Despite cold and inclement weather, a successful Novice Water Ski Show was held Sunday afternoon on Highland Lake. The program opened with the “Aqua Maids”, Gracia Snyder, Judy Heath, Beth Frost, Marsha Campbell, and Cynthia Phelps, carrying flags with the greetings, “Hello”, pulled by a turbojet boat driven by Everett Pineo of Eu’s Ski School. This was followed by Timmy Frost doing the “Skier’s Salute”, then “Saucer Riding”. Adding humor to the program were the “Beautiful Ballerinas”, portrayed by John Wheden, and John Beaudoin. This was followed by the “Skiing Sisters”, Pat and Kit Miller, doing the “Over and Under”, and the “Ballerina Exercise”. Some clever “Shoe Skiing” was executed by Timmy Frost. A very distinguished gentleman dressed in a tuxedo and top hat appeared at the registration window desiring to water ski. After much pleading, he was allowed to try. To everyone’s surprise he got up on the third try and went skiing off without even touching the water. (Actually, this was Bobby Butler, skating on a hydrofoil.) Because of the extreme roughness of the water, a “rescue” was made by Jimmie Emerson on a craft devised of a chair on a saucer. A conventional course was successfully run by John Brennan. The “Skiing Family” of Reverend and Mr. Herbert Kelsey, Jr and three of their children, Bert, Lynn, and Becky, had to be the last act, because of two foot waves which made it impossible to continue. Through the generosity of the spectators, over $50 was collected for the East Andover Fire Department.

September 16, 1965

Lamb chops are 39 cents a pound at Franklin Food Outlet this week.

Mrs Gwendolyn (Stott) Keniston, 58, died suddenly ,Tuesday, in her office at Proctor Academy. She had served as assistant bursar at the Academy for nine years. Members of the family include her husband, John C Keniston, and a daughter, Mrs Judith D Barrett of Elkins.

Congratulations go to Mr and Mrs William Miller III on the birth of a son born at Franklin Hospital on September 3.