Low Lily, an American Roots and Branches trio formerly known as Annalivia, makes its second appearance at the Franklin Opera House on Friday, September 11. Hannah Sanders, an English singer and guitarist, makes her debut at the Opera House, joining Low Lily for a night of traditional and original folk music from both sides of the pond. Both acts are releasing new albums, and both acts are on tour this fall promoting them.
The members of the Low Lily trio – Liz Simmons, Flynn Cohen, and Lissa Schneckenburger – have deep relationships with traditional music styles ranging from bluegrass to Irish, English, New England, and old-time Appalachian sounds. Their new self-titled album brings these influences together in a collection of six songs which includes original and traditional material on three voices, guitars, mandolin, fiddle, and double bass. For more information, visit LowLily.com.
Hannah Sanders is a traditional English folk singer and finger-style guitarist who hails from Norwich, England. She started singing traditional songs with her family band The Dunns when she was a teenager. This year saw the release of her first full-length solo album, Charms Against Sorrow, which is making waves in Britain right now. She has opened for many of the greats, including Martin Simpson, Nancy Kerr, Brooks Williams, Boo Hewardine, and Sarah McQuaid, and this summer sees her performing at major English festivals across the country. For more information, visit HannahSandersFolk.com.
For music fans who enjoy folk, traditional, and Americana string music, this co-bill will be a real treat! Showtime is 7:30 PM. Tickets are $14 to $18, available online at FranklinOperaHouse.org. Franklin Opera House is a community-based arts and entertainment center in Franklin.