Senior Luncheons Resume in September in Wilmot

Wednesday the 16th at the WCA Red Barn

By Lindy Heim, WCA
Betty Dickerman, formerly of Andover, Marge Erickson, Pat Cutter of Andover, and Mary Reed enjoyed the luncheon at the Red Barn in April. Photo: Lindy Heim
Betty Dickerman, formerly of Andover; Marge Erickson; Pat Cutter of Andover; and Mary Reed enjoyed the luncheon at the Red Barn in April. Photo: Lindy Heim

The first Senior Luncheon ​of the fall is scheduled to take place at the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, September 16.​ This is a new time and day for the popular luncheons, scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month through April. These popular outings are sponsored by the Wilmot Ladies Aid Society, the WCA, and the Community Action Program in Concord, which provides food and support services for seniors in Merrimack County.

Fresh flower table arrangements and door prizes will be given away to lucky attendees, and spunky entertainment will be provided following the meal. ​Don’t miss this chance to enjoy a hot midday lunch with friends at the lovely WCA Red Barn in Wilmot Flat.

A $2 donation is suggested for the meal and a $3 donation for the WCA, for a total of $5. For those attending who are under 60 years of age, there is a $6 charge for the meal and $3 suggested donation for the WCA.

​Parking is available ​in any of the three Baptist Church lots across the street or in the WCA’s upper lot near the front entrance. Street parking is ​also available where posted on Village and Campground Roads.

​Please call Margaret at 768-3805 at least a week before the luncheon to reserve your place.​

See you there!​