Present: Alex Bernhard, Tom Frantz, Craig Heim, Lindy Heim, Charles Martin, Myra Mayman, Steve Rayno, Bob Ward
Guests: Elaine Clow and Bruce Crawford of Boscawen Historical Society, Jack Shields of Penacook
Boscawen activities: Bruce Crawford reported that repair work has begun on the roof of Gerrish Depot. They are investigating the possibility of starting a Friends group to support Gerrish Depot and Hannah Dustin, under the mantle of the Boscawen Historical Society. The Dustin family has already donated $1,000 to the effort.
The Boscawen Historical Society hopes to see the Gerrish Depot used as place to display railroad artifacts. Alex noted that the Rail Trail is interested in using the Depot as an information center.
Jack Shields, the self-appointed Brush Guy, reported that he has been working with the Student Conservation Corps to clear brush on Hannah Dustin Island, and there is more to do. He has been keeping maps and rack cards stocked at Gerrish Depot; the Hannah Dustin Park and Ride; and the trailhead and parking at Jamie Welch Park in Boscawen.
Steve Rayno offered to help clear downed trees in Boscawen, as well as Jack Shields.
Alex submitted a request for an expenditure of $7,000 in addition to the $9,000 left from the $10,000 grant, to repair the three bank erosions on the Trail near Dyer’s Crossing in East Andover. This request was approved.
Charles has organized a special program on the history of the Northern Rail Line on Saturday, August 29, from 4 to 5:30 PM at Proctor’s Stone Chapel. It will feature Northern Railroad historian Ken Cushing and Charley Freiberg, photographer of the Northern Rail Trail’s many historic artifacts. Charles has procured a certificate of insurance for use of Proctor’s Stone Chapel. Others present offered to bring refreshments and help clean up after the event.
On Wednesday, September 16, we will have our Annual Meeting and Potluck Supper in the recently-renovated barn at Highland Lake Inn. We will meet at 5:30 PM to elect Board members and officers, and the dinner will begin at 6 PM.
Bob Ward is stepping down after 11 years as president. There was a discussion of possible reconfiguration of the Board, since we are at a point of change, with our focus on maintenance and programs now that the construction of the Trail is complete. This discussion will be continued at the Wednesday, October 21, monthly meeting in Wilmot Center.
Regarding Charles’ proposal that we take a count of Trail usage, Bob reported that he’d spoken with Dan Callister at Lakes Region Planning Commission about borrowing equipment to count trail usage. Charles will pursue the possibility of counting for next spring.
Upcoming Events
The Peter Crowell Ride will take place on Saturday, October 3, at 10 AM. Alex will organize it.
Continuing our policy of rotating meetings among the five towns through which the Trail runs, our next regular meeting will be in Wilmot on Wednesday, October 21. Lindy has arranged for the meeting room in the First Congregational Church in Wilmot Center, 19 North Wilmot Road.
The November meeting will be in Franklin, at the Franklin Regional Hospital.
Bob Ward, who is stepping down as president on September 16 after 11 years of presiding over meetings, received a resounding round of applause.