Franklin Historical Society Presents Talk on Cemeteries

September 3 at 7 PM in Franklin

Press release


The Franklin Civil War Veterans Monument. Photo: Kris Meinhold, Superintendent of the Franklin Cemetery
The Franklin Civil War Veterans Monument. Photo: Kris Meinhold, Superintendent of the Franklin Cemetery

The Franklin Historical Society’s next program occurs on Thursday, September 3, at 7 PM, when Glenn Knoblock, noted local author and New Hampshire Humanities Council lecturer, will present his talk on “New Hampshire Cemeteries and Gravestones.” Please note that this lecture will take place at the Franklin Public Library, 310 Central Street, in the upstairs meeting space.  Access is via the rear door (off the parking lot behind the Franklin City Hall/Opera House). Use the elevator or stairs to the second floor.

Mr. Knoblock has been a New Hampshire resident for 30 years, spending much of his time researching and writing about various aspects of Granite State history. Among the many books he has authored are such titles as New Hampshire Covered Bridges, Brewing in New Hampshire (written with James Gunter), and “Historic Burial Grounds of the New Hampshire Seacoast”. He has also delved into the areas of American clipper ships, and the history of the African American in the military, working extensively with the Harvard and Oxford University Press’s African American National Biography Project. Mr. Knoblock’s insatiable appetite for historical research and unstoppable drive has made him an expert in a myriad of fields and an extremely knowledgeable speaker.

This presentation is the result of a collaboration between the Society and the Franklin Public Library, with thanks to the librarian, Rob Sargent, and is sponsored by the New Hampshire “Humanities To Go!” program. The event, as are all Franklin Historical Society programs, is free and open to all. The New Hampshire Humanities Council is responsible for the financial subsidies which make these presentations possible, and is acknowledged for its invaluable contributions.