Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse: Columbus Day Open House

Last open house of the season

By Donna Baker-Hartwell, Andover Historical Society



A 1910 copy of "Elementary History of the United States" will be on display on Sunday, October 11 at the Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse. The pages shown here depict the "Discovery of America by Columbus."
A 1910 copy of Elementary History of the United States will be on display on Sunday, October 11 at the Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse. The pages shown here depict the “Discovery of America by Columbus.”

Sunday, October 11, from 1-3, the Tucker Mountain School will hold its last Open House of the season. Other visits may be arranged through the Andover Historical Society by calling Pat Cutter at 735-5628 or Donna Baker-Hartwell at 735-5586. The two mile drive up Tucker Mountain Road should be brilliant with the glow of fall foliage. Pat Baker’s homemade cookies, along with fresh apple cider, will be waiting for you to enjoy.history - andover historical society - schoolhouse - pg7

Visitors may browse through a collection of old elementary school textbooks – A 1910 copy of Sadlier’s, Elementary History of the United States (first copyright 1887)is quite interesting. It includes the “Discovery of America by Columbus,” a history lesson that has been challenged and rewritten by a number of historians over the past hundred years, which Sadlier has presented in an easy and attractive style. The textbook is filled with beautiful engravings as seen in the above photos depicting Columbus and his arrival to the Americas.