Fifty Years Ago in Andover: October 1965

Madras is the latest fashion trend for back-to-school

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.

October 7, 1965

An eight-town Co-operative School District Study will continue, with a final decision by member towns scheduled for this coming January, 1966. A unanimous vote to this end by the 21 members meeting on September 29 at New London High School follows six months of intensive study by the representatives of Andover, Bradford, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sutton, Wilmot, and Warner.

Also studied was an area school set-up (not adopted) where one town, New London, would serve as the receiving district, with the other seven towns sending high school students on a long-term tuition basis. Public hearings will be held in each of the eight towns before the decisive January vote. The proposed plan calls for $1,800,000 in new construction.

Alice Behan Holihan, age 97, has died. A resident of Andover for many years, she is survived by sons James P., William B., and Dr Joseph P. Holihan, all of Andover; and by daughters Mary A. Foley of Manchester and Elizabeth E. Giblin (wife of John F. Giblin of Andover).

Wedding congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parks on October 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Davis and two small children of Danbury have moved into a trailer on the Flaghole Road. Mr. Davis is employed at Dalphond’s Mill.

October 14, 1965

Miss Linda Gene Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Ford of Potter Place, and Joseph Bruce Hodges, son of Mrs. Ariel Hodges of Elkins, were recently married.

Much sympathy goes to Mrs. Irving Shaw and families on the death of Irving Shaw.

Wyman Ordway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perley Ordway, had his tonsils out at Franklin Hospital on Monday.

Congratulations go to Miss Irene Stacey, daughter of Mrs. Irene Carney, on being named Franklin High School Homecoming Queen.

Much sympathy goes to Mrs. John Mull of Franklin on the death of her husband this past week. The Mulls are former residents of Andover.

Much sympathy goes to the Perley Marshall families. Mr. Marshall was a former resident of Potter Place.

Parents’ Day was held at Proctor on the weekend. Three hundred parents and guests were given a talk by Headmaster Farrell, who also gave a tour of the proposed new Field House.

Be sure to see Elvis Presley as a singing, swinging wrangler on a dude ranch (for girls!) in his new flick Tickle Me at Regal Theatre.

October 21, 1965

Be sure to outfit your back-to-schoolers in the latest fashion trend, Madras! at Achber’s in Franklin.

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Clark on the birth of a 7-pound 11-ounce baby girl on Wednesday.

Wedding congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green on October 19.

During the 106th anniversary of A&P in Franklin, be sure to buy four grapefruits for 39 cents, four pounds of McIntosh apples for 49 cents, and a five-rib portion of pork for 43 cents a pound. With a purchase over $10, redeem the coupon for 150 extra Plaid Stamps!

Go ahead. Be rebellious. Demand more BIG in your big car. Insist on Dodge Polara! And get it at a price that won’t take a big bite out of your budget. Visit Piper Motors in Franklin.

October 28, 1965

Wedding congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith on October 28.