There’s nothing like a summer barbecue, especially one you don’t have to prepare yourself! The Andover Fish and Game Club (AF&G) was pleased to provide a delicious, inexpensive meal to 179 locals at its Annual Famous Beef Barbecue on August 22. A Chinese Auction, as always, followed the meal.
The AF&G would like to thank everyone who helped make the Barbecue a continuing success, including Murray Smith and assistant Smokey Miller, who cooked the beef. Thank you to Club members and their families and friends who provided and prepared all the food and the fixings, served the tasty dishes during the dinner, sold tickets, and organized the Chinese Auction. Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who donated items for the Auction and who helped in other ways.
A special thank you to Proctor Academy for the use of their facility and to the Andover Elementary/Middle School and the Andover Lion’s Club for the use of their tables and chairs,and the Andover Fire Department for allowing us to advertise on their property. And, of course, thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed the Barbecue and bought tickets for the Auction and other raffles.
The Beef Barbecue is our biggest fundraiser and raises money for the Club’s two annual kids’ fishing derbies and to send kids to the Barry Conservation Camp. Raised money is also donated to charities, other clubs, and people in need, and used for supplies and Clubhouse upkeep.
Our next event is the Turkey Raffle, which will take place on Friday, November 6. Look for more details in the Beacon’s next issue. Again, thank you to everyone for helping the AF&G pursue their mission to educate the public, particularly children, about the outdoors, wildlife, and outdoor sports such as hunting and fishing.