Andover Energy Group Minutes, September 15, 2015

Wood pellets to heat the Town Hall?

Condensed from draft minutes

Location: The Barn at the Highland Lake Inn

Present: members Susan and Larry Chase, Steve Darling, Jeff Dickinson, Vicky Mishcon, Janet Moore, Andy Prokosch, Nancy Teach, Pecco Beaufays;  guests Gail Beaufays and Connor Corpora.

The record reflects the fact that Pecco and Gail’s newly restored barn is a wonderful place.

Connor Corpora from NextGen spoke about his organization’s primary goal to get to 50% renewable energy usage by 2030. They are pushing presidential candidates to put forth specific energy plans.

On September 17 they sponsored a watch party at Red River Theaters to watch Pope Francis address Congress on climate change. Other events follow, all in the interest of promoting steps to ameliorate the effects of climate change.

On Tuesday, October 13, Bob Eldredge will present another Button Up workshop, beginning at 7 PM in Proctor Academy’s Stone Chapel. Refreshments will be provided by Susan, Nancy, and Vicky, and Nancy will bring apple cider.

Jeff reported on a workshop he attended that was designed to stimulate energy groups to consider reaching out to neighboring municipalities with their programs and projects. This “hub” notion, advanced by the New England Grassroots Environmental Fund (NEGEF) and the Local Energy Working Group (LEWG), seeks local coordinators and agreements signed by local organizations. No action was taken by the Andover Energy Group (AEG) at this time.

Members noted that a live video presentation on heating with wood pellets, sponsored by LEWG and the New England Wood Energy Council, was occurring as our meeting was taking place. Jeff agreed to contact the presenter to discuss the possibility of a similar presentation in Andover. Pecco’s barn was suggested as a possible venue for such an event.

Vicky noted that activity is currently underway to get a feasibility study of the use of wood pellets to heat Town Hall. Jeff assured us that scientific studies prove that the New Hampshire wood supply is sustainable.

Members discussed inviting an elected official to address New Hampshire energy issues. It was suggested that we sound out our state senator, Andrew Hosmer, about his participation in such a conversation. Larry will write a proposal to be delivered to Senator Hosmer by Pecco.

Has the beer can project been flattened? Ken Wells and Jeff are both creating heaters for home use. Jeff has spoken with Jane Slayton about having the AE/MS students learn how to build a heater. Jeff will keep us posted.

Jeff spoke briefly about the gasifier project. NEGEF would talk about co-sponsoring a project, finding other donors to share the costs. There may be a field trip to Mount Wachusett Community College to view their gasifier.

Jeff will be weatherizing his home windows, from the inside out, and will let us know exactly when so we can videotape the project for cable viewing and invite the public to observe the process.

Vicky spoke about the Town Hall renovation. Two new public works men will start with insulation. This work is based on Margaret Dillon’s energy audit recommendations. Margaret herself will return to weigh in on ventilation issues.

Solar Garden will be sponsoring a group net metering project in Franklin, provided the City Council and Eversource approve this project. We will watch from a safe distance for the time being.

The Chases hosted a Ford Motor Company executive, who said this is the wrong time, due to the low price of gasoline, to think about a group purchase of energy-efficient vehicles. As to the car show, this record reflects the fact that Susan would still like AEG to sponsor one.

Next meeting: Thursday, November 5.