Nearly 5,000 people turned out for Concord’s 23 annual American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event on October 18. This year’s event raised $466,871.bringing Concord’s fundraising total to over $7 million raised for the American Cancer Society.
Dollars raised enable the American Cancer Society to invest in groundbreaking research; provide free, comprehensive information, support to people affected by the disease, and help people take steps to reduce their breast cancer risk, or find it early when it’s most treatable.
One hundred fifty teams, along with hundreds of individual walkers and breast cancer survivors, participated in the big event. The top team, Let’s Hear it for the Girls, raised $36,387. earning them National Pacesetter status. Following behind them was Healing Hearts with $10,240., Cure Crusaders, JFJJ, and Sarah’s Soldiers rounded out the top five fundraising teams.
“The volunteer planning committee is grateful for the continued support of the Greater Concord community and values each and every dollar raised for the American Cancer Society. We never lose sight of the fact that behind every dollar is a story, and behind every story is a person, and that is why we Make Strides,” said Volunteer Director of Publicity Kimberly Laro of Andover. “It is empowering to know that we are funding research to fight the disease tomorrow, while providing information and support for cancer patients and their families today.”