Traditional Foods Dinner and Silent Auction at Mount Kearsarge Indian Museum

Fundraiser for memorial to murdered and missing indigenous women

Press release

A Fundraiser to Bring the Walking With Our Sisters Memorial to New Hampshire

Please join us on Saturday, November 7,  4 to 8 PM for a dinner of traditional Native American foods and silent auction at Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum (MKIM). We will be cooking up a huge feast, using many foods grown in our garden and harvested from museum grounds. The auction will consist of about a dozen items including Native crafts and jewelry. Storyteller Willow Green will entertain with traditional Native stories and the museum galleries will be open for all to enjoy. The dinner buffet and silent auction will run from 4 to 8PM with a suggested donation of $10 per person.

Funds raised will benefit the Walking With Our Sisters (WWOS) art installation/moving ceremony that honors and memorializes the thousands of missing and murdered Native women in Canada and the United States. ( MKIM is proud to be a co-host of this important memorial with the Native
Community in New Hampshire in August 2016.  This is one of the very few times it will be seen in the United States.

Amnesty International reports that Native American and Alaska Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in the United States. The perpetrators were non-Native men in at least 86 per cent of the reported cases. They conclude that: “Sexual violence against Indigenous women is the result of a number of factors and continues a history of widespread human rights abuses against Indigenous peoples in the USA.” (“Maze of Injustice”

Be a part of a historic effort to bring attention to this distressing situation and help honor the women and comfort their families.

To stay informed of all Walking With Our Sisters events in New Hampshire see the Walking With Our Sisters N’dakinna Facebook Page:

Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum was founded in 1990 by Charles “Bud” and Nancy Thompson as an educational and cultural center to connect visitors with Native American culture, past and present, and to encourage respect for our environment. The Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum seeks to challenge all of us to improve the quality of our lives and our world. The museum is open daily May 1 to October 31, Monday through Saturday, 10 to 5 PM, Sunday noon to 5 PM and is located at 18 Highlawn Road in Warner, New Hampshire.