October 13
The meeting began at 7 PM.
Committee members present:Ellie George, Tom Frantz, Alan Hanscom, Jen Hauser,
Heidi Murphy, Sue Norris, Tim Norris, and Brian Reynolds.
. September Minutes: approved.
- Treasurer’s Report: 2015 Budget: $26,200.00
- Expended: $19,673.97
- Balance: $6,526.03
- •The 5/6 girls went undefeated
- The 5/6 boys went 6-5
- The 3/4 boys were split into 2 teams for the season
- The 1/2 program finished up on October 10th
- Insurance for the program may go up for next year.
- The issue will be discussed at the upcoming soccer meeting.
- Our new co-directors of the basketball program will be Lindsey Allenby and Scott Allenby.
- Bus transportation is expected to drop in price
- Color coded pinnies are essential for full mountain skiers
- It will be necessary to dip into miscellaneous expenses for these pinnies
- The cost of ski rental expenses is expected to drop
- 140 students are expected to take part
- There are to be no more than 10 students per chaperone
- The swimming program will be moved back a week next summer in hopes that more kids will take advantage of the program.
New Business:
- The balance in the Blackwater Building Fund is $8,192.74.
- The $11,073.01 is the balance in the Recreation Revolving Fund, which is the depository for registration fees and donations, is $11,073.01.
The next meeting will be at AE/MS on Tuesday, November 10, at 7 PM.