Gourmet Garden Adds Two New Holiday Ornaments

Profits go to non-profit organizations

Press release
Ornaments number 14 and 15 in the Ameriscape collection represent Georges Mills and New London. Gourmet Garden donates profits from the ornaments back to non-profits in the respective towns.
Ornaments number 14 and 15 in the Ameriscape collection represent Georges Mills and New London. Gourmet Garden donates profits from the ornaments back to non-profits in the respective towns.

Sarah Parker Cave has designed two more Kearsarge/Lake Sunapee Area

Ameriscapes and added them to the local collection. The two new ornaments

Represent Georges Mills and New London. This brings the collection up to fifteen.

The whole collection can be seen at Gourmet Garden at 195 Main Street, New London or on their Web site at gourmetgardenonline.com

The profits from the Ameriscape sales go back to non-profit organizations in each of

the towns represented. So far, Sarah has donated hundreds of dollars each year to

a variety of charities.

This project was started in 2007 with just two ornaments as keepsakes for the visitors to New London. It has grown as the residents of other local towns requested their towns be included in an Ameriscape. Sarah started designing the ornaments and with the talented sculptors at Hestia Creations they have come to life.

After the second year, Sarah decided that the best way to donate back to local non-profits was to do it through the sale of the Ameriscapes. It has been a big hit with the customers.