Fifty Years Ago in Andover: December 1965

Stephen Jewett killed in Vietnam

December 2, 1965

The Proctor bell is under repair, with a crew from Massachusetts doing the job. It will seem nice to hear the old bell ringing again!

The 1964 Andover Town Report was one of 11 winning top awards in the 25th annual Municipal Reports contest sponsored by the University of New Hampshire’s Public Administration Service. The Andover report was rated first in the Class H population class (500-1,000). Andover won the same award last year.

December 9, 1965

Over 250 attended the open house honoring the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr and Mrs Victor Phelps! They received a letter from Governor King! All of the children and grandchildren, with the exception of one granddaughter – Victoria Stickney – were present for the open house. One grandson, Private First Class Murray Smith, has been discharged from the Army and just arrived from Thailand a few days earlier, making it possible for him to be home for the big event. Helen Davis, Andover, and Victor E. Phelps, a native of Danbury, were married on December 6, 1915 by the Reverend Henry G. Ives and have made their home in Andover since. Both have been extraordinarily active in this community.

Andover Women’s Bowling, November 30: Strikeouts 65, 31; Obits 62, 34; Hodads 58, 38. High Singles: Faye Lewis 117, Donna Walker 115, Gail Barton 115, Ginnie Hutchinson 114, Eleanor Lovely 104, Barbara Gross 104.

December 16, 1965

Andover and East Andover have 13 residents who are serving with the armed services presently. These young men and women are expected to be away during the holidays, and a greeting from home would help brighten their service.

  • A2C Ronald S. Bigelow
  • A2C Richard A. Powers Jr
  • “Ted” Lindley
  • PFC Ralph D. Frost
  • PFC David M. Jewett
  • PFC James P. Maguire
  • PIO C. Shampney
  • Ruth Chamberlain, MSR
  • Leslie Ford Jr.
  • Craig McDonald
  • Sp/4 Stephen D. Jewett
  • PFC Kenneth Cain
  • Maj Gen Kenneth O. Sanborn

Here’s a tip! It’s best to do your Christmas shopping early, but everybody knows how that is. With the best of intentions, there’s always late Christmas shopping to be done.

Well, this year there’s to be a touch in Franklin’s Central Street shopping area that will make that last minute shopping, perhaps, a little easier and more fun. A number of Franklin merchants have gotten together with Regal Theatre to sponsor three afternoons next week from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. During those hours, there’ll be free movies at the Regal, through the courtesy of the sponsoring merchants. It will be an ideal opportunity to park your kids for a few minutes and to get away to do some shopping.

December 23, 1965

Sympathy goes to Walter Locke Jr. and families on the death of his wife, Mrs. Locke, in an automobile accident this past week.

December 30, 1965

East Andover Paratrooper Stephen Jewett is the first fatality from this area in the Vietnamese conflict.

“He didn’t have to go. He went because he felt he was over there doing the right thing.” The words were those of his mother, Mrs. Noah Jewett, not long after she and Mr. Jewett had received word that Stephen had been killed in action in Vietnam Monday.

Stephen was sent overseas last March and was sent to Vietnam during the following month. Recently he had been stationed at the Hoa Basin in Vietnam.