Happy 2016!! May this year bring much happiness and good health to your family!
Our Middle School Winter Concert will be Thursday night, January 14th, at 6:30. The evening will feature the band and chorus.
Congratulations Cedar Kiedaisch! Cedar is our Geography Bee Champion. After several grueling rounds Cedar emerged as the 2015-16 AEMS champion. Congratulations also go to runner-up Garrett Munson.
We try and get outside every day for mid-day recess. Please make sure your child has warm winter gear to wear. It is also mighty cold at the bus stop on winter mornings.
We are nearing the halfway point in the school year. Progress Reports will be sent home with students on January 15th. January is a hardy academic month at AEMS with very few interruptions (hopefully) to the academic routine. AEMS has a regular school day on Monday, January 18th. We spend the school day focusing on civil rights and making a difference in the world.
Our students have been creating amazing art work this year. We have some art work ready to be safely transported home. If you are in the building this month please stop by the art room and pick it up. Kindergarten clay monsters, 2nd grade fall leaves, and 6th, 7th, and 8th grade name tag hands are ready to go.
The first SKI Day is tomorrow. If you have any last minute questions please contact Sue Norris or Jen Hauser. Students riding the bus to Ragged Mountain will be leaving AEMS by 12:15. Buses begin to load right after noon. Students riding with their parents to Ragged Mountain must be signed out through the office. If you are picking up a middle school student at 11:45 or earlier they will not have had school lunch. Buses return to the AEMS parking lot at approximately 4:30. More last minute information regarding ski program is attached to this letter.
The first SKATE Day is tomorrow. All skaters must wear helmets. Skating is held when skiing is held. Teachers and volunteers walk with the students over to Proctor Academy and after skating they are transported back to school on a school bus. Dismissal is at the regular time but please note that school buses will be quite empty and students will arrive at their bus stops earlier than usual.
Merrimack Valley High School Principal David Miller and Counselor Lauren Mercier will visit AEMS and talk with 8th grade students on February 12th. Our 8th graders will then visit MVHS on February 15th. There will be an Open House for eighth graders and their parents at MVHS on February 17th. Our eighth grade students will need to submit their course requests for freshman year before February vacation.
Information regarding the 8th grade trip and the deposit needed have been mailed to 8th grade families.
Keep school breakfast in mind this winter. Breakfast is available to all students in the morning. The breakfast menu is varied and delicious! Students have enjoyed warm, healthy muffins, breakfast burritos, smoothies, yogurt with local blueberries, bagels, etc. There is time in the schedule for all students to grab breakfast and bring it to the classroom with them.
Principal Jane Slayton
07 Home basketball game – Go Eagles!
08 First Ski/Skate Day
14 Concert – Band and Chorus
20 Cooking Club
21 Literacy Night
22 Progress Reports
24 AEMS Chorus Performance at Monarchs
12 MVHS presentation to AEMS 8th
15 AEMS 8th to visit MVHS
17 MVHS Open House
19 MVHS course selections due
18 Parent Breakfast
01 Andover Annual School District Meeting
08 No School – Teacher Workshop Day