After a very mild December, Mother Nature has finally cooperated, and the Andover outdoor ice rink is once again up and running, and lately has been a hub of activity. The rink is located on the basketball court next to the skate park at AE/MS, and the overhead lights shine bright until 10 PM each night.

The Andover Recreation Committee, which is responsible for the rink construction and maintenance, reports upgrades to this winter’s rink, which includes a new liner (the plastic sheet that holds the water), plywood boards with mounted plastic kick plates, and very visible yellow bumper caps along the top edge of the plywood boards.
There are numerous individuals, both on and off the Recreation Committee, who have helped with this project – too many to mention. However, a few of the key contributors include CWS Fence for the timbers; Garry George, who moved timbers around the rink with the forklift; the Proctor boys Junior Varsity hockey team, which helped spread the liner over the court; and Pat Frost, who cut the plywood. Other major contributors in assembly and maintenance included Alan Hanscom, Doug Bent, Tom Frantz, Brian Reynolds and his boy scouts, Jared Frost, Luke and Finn Weber, Cody Lorden, Brett Russell, Kurt Weber, and Howard George.
Ski Program
By Ellie George, Andover Recreation Committee
The five-week Recreation Committee ski program is going well, with 144 students, grades kindergarten through eighth, participating. The chaperones are doing a great job. Special thanks go to Chris and Betsy Buswell. Chris is bus chaperone, and Betsy is trucking ski equipment to Ragged Mountain Resort.
Ellie George and Kenice Barton are handling the program. Thanks to all the chaperones and parents for their help.