Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Jon Warzocha, Vice Chair; Art Urie; Pat Moyer; Doug Phelps; Lenny Caron; and Paul Currier joined the meeting at 7:10 PM.
Also present for duration of appropriate items: Jack Belletetes; Mike Shea; and Chris Nadeau
Draft letter from Chair Teach to Mr. John Guiheen was distributed and reviewed by board members.
Belletetes: Non-binding consultation for a new hardware store on the west side of Route 11, off Tenpenny Lane
Plans were presented for a proposed hardware center to be located in front of the current millwork building. There will be 38 to 40 parking spaces, which will not include employee parking.
Belletetes is currently at 45% lot coverage for impervious surface (11 acres), and the lot recently purchased from CWS Fence is seven acres; thereby the total coverage of the combined lots being 36%. The board indicated they would entertain a waiver request to the requirement for no more than 25% impervious surface. Belletetes will need a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The board advised that the current Alteration of Terrain Permit may need an amendment or a new permit. The board is concerned with the traffic entrance and advised that the DOT be consulted. It was asked what the percentage of increase in traffic would be, and the response was 15% to 20%.
The board asked if the septic was satisfactory, and the response was a new septic system will be added. The board advised that the new building may trigger a public (transient non-community) water system.
A preliminary consultation will be held on Tuesday, March 22, and a public hearing is currently scheduled for Tuesday, April 12.
Emery Road: Class V Emery Road property of Paul Deveno – non-binding consultation for a building permit involving extending Emery Road an additional 400’. Town requires engineering drawings. Tom Ange, Clearwater Septic Design, is seeking clarification on required engineering drawings.
Teach stated she had received a letter from Septic Design inquiring if their company can do the engineering drawings for improvement to Emery Road that the Board of Selectmen has required in order for a building permit to be issued for the Deveno property on a Class VI portion of Emery Road. Warzocha states that by law, a septic designer cannot, it has to be done by a professional engineer. The Board decided to so advise Septic Design and to refer them to the Board of Selectmen.
Martin Fairall: Non-binding consultation for 153 Old College Road for an annexation or lot line adjustment and building a mother-in-law apartment
Fairall presented a diagram of his property indicating he would like to extend his barn 45’ for an in-law apartment and is looking for either a lot merger or an annexation. He stated he is allowed to put a new barn on the land under conservation easement and asked if there were any restrictions.
The board advised he would have to meet the setback requirements. The board advised that a lot merger would be the simplest, least costly way for setback requirements to be met for the proposed construction.
Ron Charles and Mary Anne Broshek: Board discussion of proposed conservation easement for Bog Pond wetlands
Urie has written up a response to Mr. Charles’ concerns regarding the proposed “business district.” The board agreed, and it will be mailed to Mr. Charles. Teach stated that the Conservation Commission should be encouraged to come up with a plan for future easement(s) in the area.
Article on Zoning Ordinance Amendments
Currier distributed an article for The Andover Beacon pertaining to the Planning Board holding off on zoning changes for the time being. Phelps and Warzocha will work on a presentation and table for Town Meeting regarding items the board has intentions of working on regarding Zoning Ordinance amendments.