Poetry Contest Deadline: March 15

Submit an original poem about Kearsarge Valle

Press release

The Center for the Arts~ Lake Sunapee Area is announcing a call to New Hampshire Poets! CFA is inviting New Hampshire poets to create a poem with the following theme: Where the Wild Things are in the Kearsarge Valley! This theme challenges the writer to create an original poem which may be serious, humorous, and/or thought provoking.

Each poet may submit one original poem– published or unpublished and inspired by the above theme. All submissions should be mailed by March 15, 2016 to Dianalee Velie, PO Box 290, Newberry, New Hampshire 03255 or emailed to dianaleevelie@nullaol.com . To receive complete directions for submitting your entry, go to CFAs Web site centerfortheartsnh.org to download the poetry submission page. Good luck to all poets!

There is no fee to enter this contest. Choose one of the following four categories for submission: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and Adults. There will be one winner in each category.

The judge for this contest will be New Hampshire poet Rodger Martin. Rodger is the author of three volumes of poetry and he has received several prodigious honors for his work. Winning poets will be notified by telephone or e-mail by March 25, and will be invited to read their poems at the April 1, Center for the Arts Event.

A reception will be held to announce the winners in each category on Friday, April 1, 2016 from 5 to 7:00PM at Woodcrest Village, 41 Main Street in New London. Light refreshments will be served. The program that evening will include Kitty Wilson, an outstanding photographer and secretary for the Pleasant Lake Protection Association. She will speak about PLPA’s role to protect and preserve the water and environment of Pleasant Lake. Hopefully, she will also share some of her wildlife photography that evening. Please join the Center for the Arts for an evening of original poetry created by New Hampshire poets!
