Andover Lions Attend State Mid-Winter Convention

Virginia and Al Edwards go to Nashua

Andover Lions Club Secretary Virginia Edwards and her husband Al (also a Lions Club member) attended their first Lions Club Mid-Winter Convention on January 29 at the Marriott Courtyard in Nashua. Virginia reports, "Wonderful time, good food, dancing, meetings, excellent music, and a lot of socializing, meeting 125 new Lions Club members from all over New Hampshire. Looking forward to next year, and many more."
Andover Lions Club Secretary Virginia Edwards and her husband Al (also a Lions Club member) attended their first Lions Club Mid-Winter Convention on January 29 at the Marriott Courtyard in Nashua. Virginia reports, “Wonderful time, good food, dancing, meetings, excellent music, and a lot of socializing, meeting 125 new Lions Club members from all over New Hampshire. Looking forward to next year and many more.”