Michelle Spitzer is New Private Duty Manager at LSRVNA

Press release
Michelle Spitzer is the new Private Duty Program Manager at the Lake Sunapee Region VNA and Hospice.
Michelle Spitzer is the new Private Duty Program Manager at the Lake Sunapee Region VNA and Hospice.

Lake Sunapee Region VNA and Hospice announces Michelle Spitzer, Private Duty Program Director, as the newest member of its leadership team.

Michelle brings more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare arena that includes 17 years working in private duty, experience with start-ups, and as a Regional Vice-President for a national homecare and staffing company. Her primary role is to manage the delivery of an array of private, non-medical services that help individuals remain safely and independently in their homes.

One of her goals will be to enhance awareness about what this care includes and how it can be accessed by members of our community. “I am honored to join the Lake Sunapee Region VNA and Hospice family. I look forward to bringing new and innovative programs to better serve the seniors in our community,” she said.

Please call 526-4077 to learn more.