Present: Alex Bernhard, Steve Darling, Myra Mayman, Steve Rayno, Peter Southworth, Bob Ward, and guests Joyce and Ellsworth Morton.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 20, in Boscawen at a location to be specified in the February Notice of Meeting.
Approval of December 5, 2012 minutes. Moved & approved.
Treasurer’s Report. Steve reported on our current balance and noted we have not received the 2012 State RTP grant monies. He shared a report of 2012 income and expenses.
Correspondence. None received.
Old Business
Action items
Bob summarized the draft of an agreement with the gas station on Route 3 in Franklin which would allow FNRT to construct an access ramp from Route 3 to the Northern Rail Trail for users from Franklin including those coming off the the Winne Trail from Tilton. Actual construction would depend on fund-raising and permitting.
a. Steve Rayno gave updates on a trail being built from the Franklin Veterans Ski Area to the Rail Trail as well as work on the Chance Pond Brook Dam involving the use of the Rail Trail for access from Carr Street in Franklin. So far this work has not had an adverse affect on the Trail.
b. Steve is initiating another bike raffle.
c. Land and Water Conservation Fund. Bob discussed the possibility of pursuing the L&WC Fund as a source of funding. Bob has explored this avenue and would hope to partner with Boscawen. Bob will file an Intent to Apply by the February 1 deadline.
d. Technology report: No news
e. Strategic Action Plan (Myra): Annual Meeting and Annual Budget – carried
f. July 4 Race – Future administration: carried
g. Signage – Blue state signs. Alex showed photos of the location to the east of Potter Place where our sign would join an existing stanchion. We voted on the wording of a proposed first sign.
h. New Database Manager, Joyce Morton. Alex introduced Joyce who will fill this important role.
i. 2013 RTP applications (Nita and Alex)
There are two applications this year. Alex proposed we set aside $3000 to cover costs for the Grafton trail building (contingent on funds availability). The proposal was seconded and passed.
New Business
Upcoming meetings and events. Andover Snowmobile Club Spaghetti Supper Jan 26. The New London Inn will host the Thursday’s Child fundraiser on Thursday, April 25.
Offer to build Gerrish Depot Kiosk in Boscawen. Ellsworth generously offered to build the kiosk at this very visible point on the trail. Alex will contact Trails Bureau for permission, and Bob will contact Harvey Best to see if Harvey has shop plans.
Access to New Hampshire Veterans Cemetery from the Rail Trail. Joyce confirmed that when the trail is completed, both the FNRT and the Veterans Cemetery have interest in working together to provide access.
Annual Meeting date and agenda. We will include this in the May meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55
Respectfully submitted,
Peter Southworth, Recording Secretary