Mary Phinney and Judy Evans offered voters at Town Meeting Day on March 8 homemade goodies baked by Andover Service Club members to raise money for the club’s scholarship fund. Photo: Mary Ofenloch
Members of the Andover Service Club (ASC) met on Wednesday, March 9, at the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover. After the opening words and refreshments, business reports, and discussions, some of the members reviewed books they had read. The upcoming “Welcome Spring” Art and Crafts Show was explained in more detail.
The next meeting, on Wednesday, April 13, will include the annual in-house auction. Working plans for the Art and Crafts Show on Saturday, May 7, will be finalized.
At the Art and Crafts Show will be quite a variety of handmade crafts, fine art, homemade goodies, and other food items for sale. Admission will be free, but we will request a free-will offering from show participants and the public, since this is a fundraiser to benefit the ASC Merit Scholarship Program.
At this time of the year, members are asked to volunteer to serve on the Executive Board, filling in the vacancies of board members whose terms in office will be concluded in June. The annual meeting and luncheon in June will be at 74 Main in New London.
ASC invites women to become members by joining us at our next meeting on Wednesday, April 13, at 10 AM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. You do not need a sponsor to come to our meeting. Also, you do not need to be an Andover resident, as members live in Danbury, Franklin, Hill, New London, Wilmot, Concord, Springfield, Tilton, and East Andover as well as Andover. You will meet a great group of women and have fun while supporting our community.
For more information, contact Mary Ofenloch at You will be glad if you do.