Little Crayons Grow into a Big, Multi-Colored Crayon

Have you ever wondered what to do with your crayons when they get very small? Have you ever wanted to have one multi-colored crayon? Three curious students and one curious art teacher spend an afternoon exploring these questions. Anna Warzocha, Hannah Churchill, and Ollie Grotnes worked with Ms. Minnehan to explore the art of melting crayons to make ... crayons! Photo: Jen Bent
Have you ever wondered what to do with your crayons when they get very small? Have you ever wanted to have one multi-colored crayon? Three curious students and one curious art teacher spend an afternoon exploring these questions. Anna Warzocha, Hannah Churchill, and Ollie Grotnes worked with Ms. Minnehan to explore the art of melting crayons to make … crayons! Photo: Jen Bent