School Board Minutes, April 5, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Condensed from approved minutes

Elected Board Members Dean Barker and Annie MacKenzie were sworn in before the meeting by Merrimack Valley School District Clerk Christie Coll.

Board Present: Michelle Dudek, Misty Sava, Dean Barker, and Annie MacKenzie

Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Christine Barry, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton, and Judith Turk

Public Present: Tina Cotton, Nick Plante

Election of Chairperson: Michelle Dudek was unanimously elected as the Chairperson for the new term. 

Election of Vice-Chairperson: Mark Heller was unanimously elected as the Vice-Chairperson for the new term. 

Appointment of Alternate Signer: Dennis Fenton was unanimously elected as the Alternate Signer for the new term. 

Public Comment: None

Board Chairperson’s Report: Michelle commended the efforts of all involved with the production of Seussical the Musical. She stated that the Facilities Task Force has another meeting scheduled for April 12.

Old Business 

AE/MS Facilities Task Force Update: A meeting will take place April 12. Priorities and associated costs continue to be discussed. A communication plan and the format for recommendations to the Andover School Board are goals to be addressed.

Superintendent’s Report: Mark M stated that he attended the production of Seussical the Musical and that it was quite impressive. It was rewarding to see the students shine and take risks and was comparable to a high school performance.

Chris B and Mark M attended a Legislative Update session. Mark M is enthused about the hiring process for the upcoming school year. The transportation study will be reviewed by Percy Abbott on May 3.

The teacher nominations for the 2016-17 school year were unanimously accepted.

The salary and wage schedule for non-teaching staff for the 2016-17 school year was passed unanimously.