Though you might be slashing at black flies right now, I am thinking about the upcoming fall soccer season. It’s already the time of year to think about sign-ups for youth soccer for those entering first through sixth grade in the fall.
Last year we were able to field a large first/second grade team and both a girls’ team and a boys’ team for the third/fourth and the fifth/sixth grade levels, and they all played their hearts out. This year I am hoping to field the same number of teams, but we need your sign-up, and the earlier the better.
I will be sending out registration forms in the upcoming weeks through AE/MS and through e-mails. If you would like to e-mail me for a registration form, feel free to at I can also be reached at 735-4494 if you have questions about the registration process.
This year, registrations will be due on Friday, July 1. This will ensure that I am able to get the proper number of coaches and referees needed for the season.
Volunteers are always welcome and highly needed, so if you feel you have the ability to coach or referee, please contact me. Don’t be scared!
Andover youth players are members of the Merrimack Valley Soccer League which encompasses 19 towns and schools. The mission of the league is to support individual player development for youth soccer by establishing the highest level of team play possible. But most importantly, we want youth to have fun and understand that soccer can be a life-long adventure.
Similar to last year, I will be inviting players and their families to come join us once a week during the summer to kick the ball around and get those legs moving. Look for more information on this in upcoming editions of the Beacon and our future Andover Recreation Facebook page
As always, don’t forget to stay hydrated, and get the ball moving! See you on the pitch.