In the late ‘40s or early ‘50s, Bob Morse, who lived at the time on the corner of Maple Street and Tucker Mountain Road, commissioned a young woman artist from East Andover to paint a deer on his necktie. She said she’d never painted a deer before, but would try.
Bob was so pleased with the result that 60 years later, he still has the tie. When he visited from Colorado last month, Bob stopped by the Beacon office for this photo and to ask our Beacon readers: Who might that East Andover artist have been?
And there’s a related mystery. Bob’s good friend John Graves remembers there being a local art association that had a booth at the Andover Fourth of July every year. Can any of our readers provide any more details about that art group?
If you can help with either of these mysteries, please contact the Beacon at Mail@nullAndoverBeacon.com; 735-6099; or PO Box 149, Andover 03216. Thanks!