Andover Service Club, July 2016

Club makes generous donations in 2016

By Mary Ofenloch, Andover Service Club

Robin Boynton, Sandy Miller, and Pat Fleury served customers at the Andover Service Club's Bake Sale during the Club's "Welcome Spring" Art and Craft Show. Photo: Larry Chase

Robin Boynton, Sandy Miller, and Pat Fleury served customers at the Andover Service Club’s Bake Sale during the Club’s “Welcome Spring” Art and Craft Show. Photo: Larry Chase

The Andover Service Club’s (ASC) Slices for Scholarships fundraiser on July 4 was very successful, as many people generously donated to the ASC Merit Scholarship Program. A large variety of delicious pies were baked by ASC members and enjoyed by those who donated to the fundraiser.

Thanks to Judy Evans and Mary Phinney, co-chairs, and all members who helped at the ASC table, and those ladies who baked pies. An even bigger “Thank you!” to all of the very generous people who, once again, showed their support for the ASC Merit Scholarship Program.

Here is a brief annual report for the Club’s 2015-2016 fiscal year. This year, $9,700 was budgeted for general operating expenses. Contributions made by ASC to community organizations were: Andover Children’s Christmas, $250; The Andover Beacon, $500; Andover Food Pantry, $200; East Andover Village Preschool, $50; Andover After School Program, $50; Kearsarge Council on Aging, $50; Highland Lake Grange Hall Restoration, $100; Child and Family Services, $75; Danbury School, $50; Friends of the Northern Rail Trail, $100. Four merit scholarships were awarded at $1,000 each.

Regular monthly meetings were held at the Highland Lake Grange Hall, with the exception of June and December, when ASC had its annual spring and Christmas luncheons at 74 Main Restaurant in New London. The monthly meetings include an agenda of business reports and discussions, refreshments, and special programs. Speakers were Jane Currier last October, Leah Szolagyi last November, and Lauretta Phillips last May.

Many fundraising events are sponsored by ASC each year, beginning with Slices for Scholarships on July 4. At the September meeting, Proctor birthday cakes, baked by members, would continue again for the year with Edna Peters, chair, and Marge Leber assisting. A special fundraising letter requesting financial help from businesses and individuals was printed and inserted into the October Beacon. Thank you to all who responded so generously.

In November, the annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale was held at Circle K Food Stop in Potter Place. The Christmas luncheon at 74 Main also included drawing the two winners of the Gifts Galore raffle baskets which were donated by the ASC members. Although there were no special events in January, the focus of the meeting was on the upcoming events for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Primary Day in February and Town Meeting Day in March were times for another bake sale. Members baked a large variety of homemade baked items ranging from bread and rolls to cakes, pies, and cookies.

In March, President Sandra Graves requested a one-year leave of absence due to important personal commitments. Past President Mary Ofenloch agreed to return until Sandra can return.

The main focus of the April meeting was the preparation for the Welcome Spring Art and Craft Show and the need for more members and volunteers to work at the Thrift Shop. Nominations would be needed to fill vacancies on the Executive Board due to term limits for some of the board members.

The upcoming review of scholarship applications was the focus of the May meeting, as well as the vote to suspend the term limit rule in the by-laws so that the secretary, treasurer, and president could stay on board for one more year. The 2016-2017 budget was presented for approval. It would receive a vote at the June luncheon. The May 8 arts and crafts show had 33 vendors who enjoyed the venue but were disappointed by the low turnout of the public.  

At the June luncheon, the new budget was approved, the new Executive Board was elected, and fiscal year 2015-2016 came to a close. Four $1,000 scholarships were awarded to four outstanding students.

The ASC Thrift Shop is the most important means of raising funds for all of the activities, events, community support, scholarships, and club administration expenses. It is located on School Street between the Police Department building and AE/MS. Hours are 10 AM to 4 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday.

In order for ASC to continue this very important support of our community, we need women of all ages who are willing to donate their time and effort as members of this very important service organization. Come to a meeting, or speak with a member, so that you may see how dedicated we are to our community.

At the same time, you will meet friends, both old and new, while working and socializing together. The ladies of ASC wish to extend our gratitude to everyone for their financial and moral support throughout this past fiscal year.