Andover youths are gearing up for a fun fall soccer season. Starting in July, players took to the field at Blackwater Park for an informal game of pick-up soccer. This is open for any ages and starts at 6 PM at the field.
We will continue to run pick-up games until late August. Kids are encouraged to wear cleats and shin guards and bring lots of water. We have had a great turn-out with small sided games and lots of fun.
If you haven’t signed up your child for the fall program but would like to, please contact me at or 735-4494. Though we have enough to roster four teams, we are still looking for players in the fifth or sixth grade for both the girls and boys teams. There is a possibility that our fifth/sixth grade boys team members will pair up with the New London Outing Club to form one team.
The Merrimack Valley Soccer League consists of 19 towns from around the central New Hampshire area. The goal of the league is to have every team member play and have fun.
This year, the league has decided to remain consistent with US Youth Soccer and change a rule regarding the act of heading a soccer ball. Starting this year, there is no heading allowed for the fourth grade players and under. For the fifth and sixth grade teams, there is limited heading. This is due to the concern regarding concussions among youth in various contact sports.
Feel free to come watch the young Andover players at Blackwater Field. The games will begin on Tuesday, September 6, with the fifth and sixth grade boys. The fifth and sixth grade girls will play on Thursday, September 8, while either the third and fourth grade girls or boys will play on Friday, September 9. Every team will play on Saturday starting, with the first and second graders in the morning.
We also have opportunities for anyone (seventh and eighth graders included) who would be willing to referee the games. The games are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays starting on September 5 and running through October 15. Anyone interested in helping to volunteer with assistant coaching or field maintenance are also encouraged to contact me either by e-mail or telephone at 735-4494.
Keep calm and dribble on!
Did you know? The average World Cup soccer player ran approximately seven miles per game (according to That is a lot of running!
Quote for August: The phenomenal player Pele once said, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”