In 2016, it is South Danbury Church’s turn to host Danbury’s annual Old Home Day celebration, which is observed on the Sunday of the Grange Fair weekend – September 11 this year. The gathering will begin with special music at 10:30 AM, followed by an interfaith worship service at 11 AM. Yes, we will sing Old New Hampshire, too.
According to custom, as the host church South Danbury will provide lunch and refreshments, and then the annual Old Home Day meeting and festivities will commence – including the traditional awards for the oldest and youngest, the largest family, the person who came the farthest for the Old Home Day celebration, and the person attending Old Home Day for the first time.
The day’s events will conclude with a thought-provoking historical address.
Friday evening events at the South Danbury Church will be starting up again soon. Watch the church signboard and the Friends of Danbury Facebook page for dates and details.