The American Legion’s Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 in Andover will hold a public Dignified Disposal of Unserviceable Flags Ceremony on Tuesday, September 20. The event will take place behind the Andover Fire Station at 7 PM. The ceremony will conform to time-honored practices for the dignified disposal by burning of unserviceable flags that have been used to mark graves of veterans of all our nation’s conflicts and displayed in public places.
The Legion presents this ceremony as a public service and as an informational training opportunity for young and old. The public is invited to participate in this event by bringing any unserviceable flags (with all hardware removed) and turning them over to a Legionnaire for burning. One large flag will be burned during the ceremony, and all others will be disposed of immediately after the ceremony.
The members of Post 101 are inviting the Andover Fire Department, Andover Police Department, Andover Boy Scout Troop, and Andover Cub Scout Pack to participate in this public ceremony as well. We look forward to seeing you and spending a short time together honoring our country and its veterans.