Extreme Chunkin 5K Launched in Memory of Don Gross

Speedway event benefits Police Athletic League

By Charlie Darling, Beacon staff

Org - Other Org - Extreme Chunkin - 5K - InsetWhen Extreme Chunkin returns to the New Hampshire Motor Speedway on October 15 and 16 this year, it will feature more than just huge pumpkin-chuckin’ machines. In memory of Don Gross of Andover, one of the event’s founders, the weekend will start with a 5K run to benefit the Nashua Police Athletic League. PAL was a very special charity to Don, who was police chief of Nashua for many years.

The Extreme Chunkin 5K is open to all ages. The $30 registration fee includes a ticket to the day’s Extreme Chunkin activities plus a bright green Extreme Chunkin 5K event t-shirt.

The race starts at 8 AM on Saturday, October 15; the course is entirely within the speedway grounds.

Online registration is available at RunReg.com/Extreme-Chuckin-5K (note the misspelling of “Chunkin”!), or visit ExtremeChunkin.com for more information.

More About Extreme Chunkin

Back at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon again this year, the second annual Extreme Chunkin event draws pumpkin-chuckin’ teams from all across the country to compete in an all-out battle for greatness. Machines like trebuchets, catapults, and air cannons will launch pumpkins and other extreme items.

To add to the fun, there will be harvest festival activities throughout the weekend, including rides, pumpkin carving, face painting, and more. Tickets to the event are $10 each day and are available at ExtremeChunkin.com