Andover Service Club Welcomes Women Who Seek to Serve

Mary Ofenloch, ASC President

By Club has served the community for 58 years

On June 4, 1958, 22 women met at the home of Sue Camp to form a new club to replace the disbanded Unitarian Women’s Alliance. With its emphasis on community service, the Andover Service Club (ASC) was organized.

Josephine Crisp was the first president with a budget of $125. Today, it is an all-volunteer, registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of 68 members who reside in Andover and neighboring communities.

The mission of the ASC is to be of service to the people of the community and the state and to broaden and strengthen the social and intellectual life of its members. Any woman who is interested in service may become a member of the club. Annual dues are $10 and are for administrative purposes only.

When the ASC members in 1959 decided to offer a scholarship to an Andover High School graduate, a Scholarship Ball was held. It raised $203.50, of which $200 was awarded to Richard Vaters.

Since 1959, hundreds of Andover high school and continuing education college students have benefited financially from the ASC Merit Scholarship program. The ASC also contributes to the Andover After School Program, The Andover Beacon, AE/MS, the Andover Food Pantry, the East Andover Village Preschool, Kearsarge Council on Aging, Highland Lake Grange Hall Restoration, Danbury School, Child and Family Services, Friends of the Northern Rail Trail, and Andover Children’s Christmas.

In 1998, the ASC leased from AE/MS the land upon which the building currently called the Andover Thrift Shop sits. Proceeds from the sale of almost-new clothing and accessories at the shop are income for the ASC Merit Scholarship Program. Thrift Shop hours are 10 AM to 4 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday.

Fundraisers to support the many contributions made by the ASC include raffles, the Proctor Birthday Cake project, luncheons on Election and Town Meeting days, in-house auctions, treasure and bake sales, Thrift Shop sales, Thanksgiving pie sales, the Fourth of July Slices for Scholarships pie sale, memorials, and donations.

The ASC has had 30 presidents since 1958. The Executive Board consists of the president; past president; first and second vice presidents; treasurer and assistant treasurer; recording secretary; and corresponding secretary. There are 18 committees. They include Scholarships, Membership, Luncheons, Audit, Fundraising, Historian, Hospitality, Proctor Cakes, Programs, Publicity, Opening Words, Family Christmas, Town Hall Flowerbeds, Telephone, Thrift Shop, Fourth of July Slices for Scholarships Pie Sale, and Thanksgiving Pie Sale.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month from September through June at 10 AM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. The Executive Board meets at 1 PM on the Tuesday before the first Wednesday.

It is the hope of the members of ASC that the club will continue in service to the community for another 58 years. We look forward to your continuing support.