Planning Board Minutes, June 14, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Condensed from approved minutes:


Nancy Teach, Chairperson; Jon Warzocha, Vice-Chairperson; Da Minutrsve Blinn, ex-officio; Doug Phelps, Art Urie, Randall Costa, Paul Currier, and Dave Powers, Zoning Administrator  

Review and Approval of May 24 Minutes

Phelps made the motion to approve the minutes.Urie seconded the motion.All in favor. May 24, 2016 minutes were approved.

Planning and Zoning Coordinator Update:

Moyer continues to organize the filing and updated the Building Permit Fee Schedule.

While reviewing the Planning Board’s Manual, Moyer indicated that under the Subdivision Regulations, referencing 3.06, Notice of Cost of Applications, that it is discretionary for the Board to have the applicant’s post the notice in the Concord Monitor. Notices are required to be posted in three locations in Andover. Blinn advised that going forward notices are expected to be posted in more locations in Andover other than the three required. After review and discussion of New Hampshire RSA 676:4, the Planning Board is in compliance with the State Statute.

It was moved that going forward, the customary approach for notice would be not to require applicants to pay for notice to be posted in the Concord Monitor, provided however, the Board reserves the right, in its discretion, to require published notice, as provided in Regulation 3.06.

Urie brought The Planning Board in New Hampshire, A Guide for Local Officials created by the New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning for the Board’s perusal. The Board agreed the manual would be a helpful tool in making their decisions. Moyer will copy the manual for the next meeting for each board member.

Announcements and Correspondence:

Lakes Region Planning Commission Pamphlet

DES – Shoreline Program Permit Application for Map 17-343-116

Zoning Administrator Update:

Powers spoke to the property owner of Tax Map 21 Lot 723,590 (Main Street) as requested. The property owner indicated that he took out the building permit in 2012 and assumed it was good until the project completion. The property owner will come in for a new building permit.

Additionally, the Board agreed that the property owner needs State Approval if the structure is within the Shoreline Protection area. Powers is trying to connect with Mary Anne Broshek, the Andover Conservation Commission Chairperson, regarding the tree cutting in that area.

Van Dam / Klee-Costa Trust-Lot Line Adjustment / Annexation at 130 West Shore Road:

The Board re-signed the mylar due to a revision in the heading box.

Shoreline Permit-Robert and Andrea Grevior Trust:

The Board reviewed the application and the map provided. Moyer will file the paperwork

Proctor Academy:

Will Ames from Proctor and Bill Stack from Smith and Associates came in to discuss potential plans for the Field House renovations. They indicated they were not sure exactly what would be done between the Dining Hall and the Field House court yard area. The front entrance to the Field House may change some of the specifics. They want to utilize a Phase Plan. They want to complete construction on the Dining Hall and then complete the Field House project. The Board advised Proctor to file an amended plan if there are no significant changes to the plan approved. Then when they are ready to start construction on the Field House, they can file a new application. If there are no significant changes in use, drainage, or lighting for example, then it won’t trip the Site Plan review process.

Proctor requested to be put on the Agenda for July. Proctor is set up for July 12 at 7:30 PM.

Discussion and Updates as Time Allows

Conservation Commission issue regarding Bog Pond and the proposed Business District: Mary Anne Broshek would like to meet with the Planning Board at the July 12 meeting. She is scheduled for 8 PM.

Flow Chart: The Board worked on readjusting and fine tuning this chart. It was agreed that it needs to be dated, have a title, and noted that it is for Planning Board Internal Use Only. Phelps will re-work the chart and bring to next meeting.

Costa scanned the Minor and Major Subdivision applications and continues to work on developing one document instead of two. Costa will do a red-line version with the proposed changes.

Teach set as a goal for the Planning Board to work on two warrant articles for next Town Meeting.

The Board agreed to work on having the Zoning Map voted in at the next Town Meeting.

Moyer will create a Drop Box Account for the Planning Board.

Ragged Mountain Fish and Game: The Board discussed the differences between having that community designated as a Planned Unit Development and a Conservation Subdivision. Costa and Warzocha will work on this issue for the next meeting.


Urie made the motion to adjourn. Phelps seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 PM

Prepared by Patricia Moyer, Planning and Zoning Coordinator, Acting Recording Secretary for Lisa Meier in her absence.