Warner Fall Foliage Festival Begins Friday, October 7

Lots of events and competitions to enjoy

Press release

The excitement is building for the Sixty-ninth Annual Warner Fall Foliage Festival, scheduled for Columbus Day Weekend. The festival begins on Friday, October 7, from 6 to 9 PM, when the midway opens and where Questionable Company is scheduled to play at the Jim Mitchell Community Park Amphitheater. There will be numerous activities throughout downtown on Saturday, October 8, from 9 AM to 8 PM, and Sunday, October 9, from 9 AM to 7 PM. Parking will be at the west end of town, with free shuttle bus service to and from the festival. Take Exit 9 off of Route 89 for the best bus services. Parking is $5. Entrance to the Festival is free!

This year the festival’s events will be returning to the original layout based around Main Street. There is improved open space for the midway, food tents, and outdoor picnicking. A newly renovated location behind Main Street and Foothills Restaurant will host both the Oxen Pull and the Woodsmen’s competitions. As always, there will be crafters, a farmers market, rides, food trucks, road races, gift baskets, live music, and entertainment for all ages.

The Warner Fall Foliage 5-Mile Road Race starts promptly at 9:30 AM on Saturday morning. Registration begins at 8:30 AM. There will be a one-mile Kids Fun Run on Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. Registration begins at 9 AM in the Warner Post Office parking lot.

The Grand Parade, a long-time tradition, will begin Sunday at 1 PM. The theme  this year is “Celebrating Rural Life.” Arrive before 12 PM.

Proceeds from the festival go back into the community for worthy projects and to support local groups. Sign-up forms for the competitions and more information about the Warner Fall Foliage Festival can also be found on WFFF.org.

Volunteers are needed to help with many phases of the festival, and those willing to donate their time are asked to sign up on WFFF.org or visit the festival Facebook Page to connect with the volunteer sign up!