A Decade of Danbury Winter Markets
Ten years ago, the Blazing Star Grange thought that that they had the ability and venue to provide an opportunity for farms to sell their products after the area summer markets closed for the season. The idea was new. Would customers come to the Grange Hall during the winter to buy products from their local farms as they did during the summer months and could the Grange cover the costs of advertising and fuel costs for heating their drafty hall?
Willing to give it a try, the Winter Market was launched with optimism and they reveled at the answer. Yes, the people will come, and farms began to reap the benefits of year round sales. The market has grown from a partially filled one floor to a filled two floor collection of locally grown products and unique crafts with preference given to those vendors utilizing New Hampshire agricultural products.
Starting on Saturday, November 5, and continuing every first Saturday of the month through April, the Grange Hall at 15 North Road in Danbury is the gathering spot for local buyers, farms, and artisans. The community is supported, neighborliness is nurtured, and sustainability is strengthened.
While markets provide an important revenue stream to maintain farm businesses, farmers’ market sales are declining statewide. Wanting to maintain the farms in our area, the Grange urges local community members to fit market days into their schedule and make our area market the exception rather than the rule.
One program, aimed to make fresh local foods accessible to all, is the Granite State Market Match, which matches every dollar, up to $20., for every dollar deducted for use at the market from a SNAP/EBT card. The Danbury market participates in this program which is made possible by the Merrimack County Conservation District.
Breakfast and lunch is served at each market with programs, workshops, and guest speakers beginning in January. All the markets, except December, operate from 9 AM to 1 PM. The hours for December are 9 AM to 2 PM. For more information you may call Donna @ 768-5579 or visit BlazingStarGrange.org.