I love our school! Where else can you start the morning at the Healthy Heart Restaurant run by second graders, then enjoy a Chinese New Year Dragon parade featuring fourth grade students with their elaborate, handmade, festive dragons accompanied by our talented band and teachers in ornamental garb, then enjoy an incredible Asian buffet in the school cafeteria, and finally end the day with endearing visits by students delivering valentines and chocolate? Life doesn’t get much better!
Projects are completed and tests have been taken. Science Opportunities for Excellence are due, and units are coming to a close. We are days away from vacation. We are also in the middle of Spirit Week. Every day has a theme, culminating with Beach Day on Friday. The day before vacation students are treated to snow cones and a day at the Andover Beach (usually known as the gym). Spirit Week is planned by our Student Council members, who have been particularly creative this year.
A spirited and successful basketball season has ended for our middle school students. Additional games and tournaments were scheduled this year, to the delight of players and fans. As always, good sportsmanship ruled the courts wherever our Andover Eagles played. We were all sad to see season come to an end. However, Coach Nick Fairall is ready to start track practices!
We are appreciative to the Town of Andover, Proctor Academy, and lots and lots of volunteers for making skiing, snowboarding, and skating available to our students. Another great winter activity season has ended.
Keep those Box Tops for Education coming in! We collect Box Tops year round – we never stop! All money raised will go toward playground equipment and further development of the park area. Those ten-cent Box Tops add up fast!
Incredible art work is displayed throughout our building. When you are here for School District Meeting or Town Meeting, please enjoy the artistic displays.
The annual School District Meeting is Monday, March 4, at 7 PM in the school gym. It is at this meeting that the budget is voted upon for the 2013-14 school year. You must be present to vote on the budget and warrant articles. Babysitting is provided at the school. School staff members and eighth grade students are helping entertain children.
Voting for School District officers, including two seats on the Andover School Board, takes place on Tuesday, March 12, from 11 AM to 7 PM in the school gym. For more details about voting, School District Meeting, and Town Meeting, see the special section starting on page ??.
We are looking for members of the 2013-14 kindergarten class. If you know of Andover children who will be five years old on or before September 30, 2013, please send them our way. We are excited to welcome another large kindergarten class! Parents should call AE/MS for registration information.