Through the Reading Glasses, February 2017

By Janet Moore, Library Trustee

It’s that time of  year again. The New Hampshire General Court, the legislature, is in session, and Town Meeting is only six weeks away. The School District Meeting is held the first week in March.

Attend the local public hearings and budget meetings. Ask questions now! Attend Town Meeting with information. Read the Beacon for committee reports; then read the Annual Report before you get to the meeting. Seek information.

An informed electorate is our best hope. Read the Beacon, read the entire article that interests you. Then go to meetings, listen to people, and see if you can gain the facts you need in order to make an informed choice on ballot questions.

You can obtain print copies, which offer fewer distractions than online, of the Beacon, and other newspapers and magazines at the town libraries.

Andover Public Library is open Monday and Wednesday evenings, Wednesday and Saturday mornings, and Thursday afternoons.

Bachelder Library is open Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Tuesday morning, and Thursday and Friday afternoons.