AE/MS Students Participate in Spelling Bee

By Gail Parenteau, AE/MS
Congratulations go to 2016-2017 Spelling Bee Champion Oliver Andrews (Fifth Grade) and Alternate Sophia Reynolds. All the students did a great job competing in the spelling bee, which consisted of over 20 grueling rounds.
Front Row: Kyleigh Fanny, Natalie Hughes, Ashley Wolf, Helen Armstrong, Rylee Sweeney, Lagan Salathe, Mychal Reynolds, Tobin Smith. Second Row: Gabriel Smith, Adam Barry, Cedar Kiedaisch, Lilly Carlson, Oliver Andrews, Xavier Fredette, Jedidiah Duquette. Back Row: James Clough, Caleb Warzocha, Logan Smith, Fenn Davis, Sophia Reynolds, Lily Menard, Brynne Makechnie, Maura Kelly, Joey Upton.