Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!
Okay, not really, actually cuddly cats and docile dogs can be found at the Franklin Animal Shelter (FAS). During their stay at FAS they are fed and exercised, receive any necessary medical care, and given lots of love.
Founded in 2002 by the Granite State Animal League, FAS has received hundreds, counting easily over a thousand, of dogs and cats since its inception. Last year, FAS placed 75 dogs and cats into new homes and returned 32 to their owners.
FAS receives its animals from the City of Franklin and its citizens but adopts to good homes without geographic restrictions. Pets are surrendered due to family moves to non-pet friendly dwellings, by owners who can no longer care for them, are abandoned, or may be received due to neglect or cruelty.
Stray animals are brought in and are often reunited with their happy owners. More often, pets must find a new place to call home. FAS is defined as a “no-kill” facility and, therefore, its primary mission is to find an appropriate “forever home” for the animals in its care. In rare cases, animals may be moved to other shelters to afford them a new audience.
Caring for the darling critters isn’t cheap. Veterinarian services (shots, surgery, medicines, spaying or neutering) are a major expense, then there’s food, cat litter, operating expenses, and three part-time staff positions. FAS receives a budget allocation from the City of Franklin and generates revenue through Surrender, Adoption, and Kenneling fees. These funding sources cover about 50% of costs; the remainder is generated through donations and fundraising events throughout the year.
FAS’s all-volunteer Board of Directors is comprised of citizens and business people from the community. Other volunteers do laundry, help with fundraising and community events, assist in pet care, and facilitate obtaining items for the shelter’s Wish List. Manager Wendy Douglass takes care of daily operations and can be contacted during business hours at 934-4132 or gsalfranklin@nullyahoo.com.
Students at AE/MS recently adopted FAS as a worthy charity, collecting pet food, litter, blankets, towels, and toys. Other items constantly needed by the shelter include gift cards, paper towels, Frontline for dogs and cats, and disinfectants like Simple Green. The Wish List can be found on FAS’s Web site at FranklinAnimalShelter.com. Opportunities to make direct donations to FAS can also be found on the Web site.